ARRAY Development has opportunities for part time high school students from
Ottawa, Canada area employed as junior Internet searchers and document
developers. These particular positions do not require presence in our
office, i.e., we are looking for people who have direct access to Internet and are able to telecommute all
year around from home for about 2 hours a day and hence feel comfortable
with daily email and Internet use.
The job requires strong knowledge of Word for Windows, HTML, email use and
Internet searching. You have to have good grades at school, be highly
dependable and dedicated, able to handle routine tasks consistently without
supervision, know the value of time and be absolutely committed to not
missing agreed deadlines. Familiarity with Internet culture, search
engines, Usenet, ezines and Web document development, and proficiency in
conversational and writing English is mandatory. Creativity, library
cataloging experience and some exposure to French, arts and multimedia
would be an asset.
We also engage aggressive university-level business, marketing and
information science students from around the globe who have a good command
of English and are interested in ongoing directory research in conjunction
with their studies and aspirations.
If you are interested, please complete and submit the form below. Please do
not call or fax.
We will not consider any messages that are not submitted through this form.